Words Not Considered Insulting According to Judgments

What Are Words or Phrases That Are Not Considered Insults?

1. Without Virtue, Characterless: The words such as “incompetent man, without merit, without character… now quit this job, retire, you are making victims of people”, which are accepted to be said by the accused to the complainant, do not constitute a crime of insult (Y18CD-K .2017/11006).

1 a. Characterless Guy: On the day of the incident, the defendant's conviction is a reason for reversal, without considering that the elements of the crime of insult are not formed in the words "he does not do his job, he is a characterless guy" and the rude addressing style is considered to be said to the participant (Y18CD-K.2017/10756).

2. Irreligious, Unbelievers: Since the statement of the accused to the complainants as “religious, unbelievers” does not offend the honor, honor and dignity of the complainants, it does not constitute the elements of the crime of insult (Y18CD-K.2017/7985).

3. Immorality: It is decided that there is no room for imposing a punishment on an illegal and inappropriate reason, regardless of the fact that the elements of the crime of insult are not formed because the rude addressing words such as "don't be rude", which are accepted to be said to the participant, do not offend the honor, honor and dignity of the participant. it is the cause of spoiling (Y4CD-K.2021/8900).

3 a. How Impolite You Are: It is a reason for the defendant's conviction to be decided without considering that the elements of the crime of insult were not formed, since the words of the accused such as "how rude are you", which he allegedly said to the participant on the day of the incident, were not in a way that would offend the honor, honor and dignity of the participant ( Y4CD-K.2021/11664).

3b. “Nasty Guys” to the Police Officer: Since the words in the form of “..bad guys ..”, which are accepted to be addressed to the complainants while the complainant was arguing with the police officers, are an out of courtesy vulgar way of addressing and cannot be considered as insulting, a concrete act or an accusation of fact. insult crime does not occur (Y18CD-K.2019/10939).

3c. What You Are Doing Is Impudence, It Is Disgraceful: In the concrete case, the defendant said to the participants, “What you are doing is impolite, it is shameful.” Conviction for the crime of insult with an illegal and inappropriate reason, regardless of the fact that the words of the participants are not at a level that offends the honor, dignity and dignity of the participants, but are offensive, rude and unkind, and that the elements of the crime of insult do not occur, (Y4CD-K.2021/10146 ).

3d. Unscrupulous, Insulting: When the accused, who participated in the discussion at the hospital, said to the accused, "May Allah curse you", the words of the accused to the participating accused as "nasty, impolite" were not in a way that offends the honor, dignity and prestige, but they were cursed and disturbing, rude and uncouth. It is decided that there is no place for a sentence to be imposed instead of acquittal of the accused, regardless of the fact that it is in the nature of the offense of defamation and therefore does not occur in terms of the elements of the crime of insult,

4. You are schizophrenic, you are two-spirited: Since the accused's words "you are schizophrenic, you are two-spirited, go to the doctor and get well as soon as possible" to the participant, these words are not considered an insult since they do not offend the honor, honor and dignity of the participant, but are severe criticism ( Y18CD-2015/10949).

5. Saying “Damn”: All kinds of severe criticism or offensive words directed at public officials or civilian citizens should not be evaluated in the context of insulting, and the words should clearly constitute a concrete act or fact that may offend honor, honor and dignity, or an act of cursing. In the concrete case subject to the trial; It is a reason for the conviction that the accused is acquitted instead of being acquitted, regardless of the fact that the word "i", which is accepted to be said by the accused to the victims, is not at a level that offends the honor, honor and dignity of the interlocutors, but is in the nature of an annoying, rude and unkind way of addressing, and therefore does not occur in terms of the elements of the crime of insult. (Y4CD-K.2021/26608).

5 a. Damn, Godless: The accused sent to the mobile phone belonging to the participant in the form of "...answer like a man..." and "...you didn't make me vote like a god in my village, you brought votes from Mardin, is it manliness that you don't answer this, you answer it" and their rude manner of addressing Messages of the nature of the participant are not considered insulting as they do not offend the honor, honor and dignity of the participant (Y18CD-K.2019/10437).

5b. We Don't Give ID to Police Lan:

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